Posts tagged ‘sandwiches’

spicy egg salad with bacon and chives

This is the time of year when people tend to have a surplus of interestingly colored hard boiled eggs laying around. Before I came to appreciate egg salad, I remember we always used to try to make ourselves eat some of those chemical-colored eggs just as they are, and then we’d end up throwing most of them away. But it recently occurred to me that as long as your eggs aren’t too unappetizingly colored, there is really nothing better to do than make a batch of egg salad! I always used to eschew egg salad because I thought it sounded and looked and smelled weird, but over the last year I realized that my fear of the stuff was really quite irrational and I should go ahead and conquer it. I discovered the simple tastiness of a really good, simple, freshly homemade egg salad sandwich (without too much mayo!), and while I don’t make them often, when the mood strikes they can really hit a spot. Right after Easter seems the perfect time to have an egg-salad mood strike, and even though I didn’t actually dye any eggs this year, seeing a recipe for egg salad that involves bacon and horseradish was enough to make me set a pot of eggs to boil!

6 April, 2010 at 3:34 pm 3 comments


Sometimes I forget that sandwiches can exist outside the realm of lunch.  A few too many soggy sandwiches have started turning me into a bit of a sandwich skeptic, and call me crazy, but I often find that the idea of a sandwich is better than the actual sandwich itself. Don’t get me wrong, I love the concept of the sandwich and a good one done right is pure bliss. It’s just that for me, most sandwiches are just not particularly memorable meals, and don’t even cross my mind when it’s time to prepare dinner. But I do love it when a sandwich can prove me wrong, and I recently discovered one that did just that.


12 November, 2009 at 5:26 pm 5 comments

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